What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Sea Anemones

So, what’s the deal with sea anemones anyways? You may be wondering what entrepreneurs can learn from sea anemones. Let’s dive right in: Many years ago I read an interesting story about sea anemones on coral reefs. The sea anemones on the outside of the reef are far more colorful, vibrant, and strong than those on[…]

Ego-Shattering Realities of Entrepreneurship

Are you tough enough to handle entrepreneurship? Part of the rite of passage in becoming an entrepreneur – at least for most of us, I think – is having your ego shattered. This probably sounds like a terrible thing. However, it is actually very insightful and valuable. What do I mean exactly? You quickly become[…]

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Start a Business in 2016

Make it Your New Years Resolution to Start a Business Now that 2016 is finally here, many of us will make new years resolutions. Perhaps you will resolve to get back in shape, spend more time with family, learn a new language, or take up a musical instrument. But there is one resolution I believe[…]

24-Hour Business Plan Template: Validate & Plan Your Startup Ideas

My Amazon.com Bestseller: 24-Hour Business Plan Template This book is my second and most recent publication. In one sentence, it provides a clear and concise method for validating your startup ideas and planning your business venture. It also happens to be the method I used when deciding to leave my full-time job in early 2015 and[…]

An Early Morning Walk in McCormick Woods

McCormick Woods Trails in Port Orchard, Washington Recently I bought a new “smartwatch” called the Basis Peak, and so far I’ve been pretty satisfied with it. The primary reason for the purchase was to track my sleep patterns, but its integrated, gamified habit-building tools and alerts are proving to be quite useful for me as[…]