The Difference Between Being Efficient & Effective

Why Being Effective is Better Than Efficient These days it seems everyone is obsessed with efficiency. Everyone wants to squeeze more out of their limited 24-hour day. But what they really want is to be more productive – and productivity is more a function of being effective than being efficient. Defining Effectiveness and Efficiency Examine the definitions[…]

Customer Love by Douglas Crotty

What is customer love? “Customer Love.” What is it? It is THE passion you should have in your organization. If you do not have it, you are missing the point of why you go to work. Your relationship with your customers is the key to everything you do in the workplace. It determines the growth,[…]

What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Sea Anemones

So, what’s the deal with sea anemones anyways? You may be wondering what entrepreneurs can learn from sea anemones. Let’s dive right in: Many years ago I read an interesting story about sea anemones on coral reefs. The sea anemones on the outside of the reef are far more colorful, vibrant, and strong than those on[…]

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Mautic – Free Open Source Marketing Automation

Mautic – Free Open Source Marketing Automation Mautic is a free, open-source marketing automation software system. It can be setup through the Mautic cloud or installed directly on your server (preferred). Mautic has already saved me hundreds of dollars. In the long run it will surely save me tens of thousands. The simple fact of[…]

Ego-Shattering Realities of Entrepreneurship

Are you tough enough to handle entrepreneurship? Part of the rite of passage in becoming an entrepreneur – at least for most of us, I think – is having your ego shattered. This probably sounds like a terrible thing. However, it is actually very insightful and valuable. What do I mean exactly? You quickly become[…]