The Difference Between Being Efficient & Effective

Why Being Effective is Better Than Efficient These days it seems everyone is obsessed with efficiency. Everyone wants to squeeze more out of their limited 24-hour day. But what they really want is to be more productive – and productivity is more a function of being effective than being efficient. Defining Effectiveness and Efficiency Examine the definitions[…]

The Real Reason People Hate Marketing

Why People Hate Marketing Not everyone hates marketing, but many people do hate marketing quite a bit. Why? People don’t hate marketing because it’s impersonal. People don’t hate marketing because it’s an interruption. In fact, people don’t even hate marketing because the “message” doesn’t “speak to them.” People hate marketing because it’s often mis-targeted. In[…]

The Sharing Economy Lives On in Austin, Texas

Fasten, Fare, Get Me replace Uber & Lyft in Austin, TX When Prop 1 failed a few weeks ago, the thriving ride-share economy in Austin, Texas screeched to a halt. …or so it seemed. In no more than a blink of an eye, the ride-share economy was back on its feet. But how? Within hours of the “official[…]

Customer Love by Douglas Crotty

What is customer love? “Customer Love.” What is it? It is THE passion you should have in your organization. If you do not have it, you are missing the point of why you go to work. Your relationship with your customers is the key to everything you do in the workplace. It determines the growth,[…]

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Three #1 Best-Sellers and $7,500 in Book Sales in One Month

Three #1 best-sellers and $7,500 in book sales in Feb 2016. #1 best-sellers are books that sell hundreds, if not thousands of copies per month. They are not easy to produce but it can be done. In this post, you will learn how I boosted three of my books to #1 best-seller spots in February 2016. Let’s start at[…]